Date of incident: May 25th, 2021
Type of incident: Vocalizations
Location of incident: Near Bloom Lake, Tillamook State Forest, Oregon
Description of incident:

"I saw your vehicle driving on Interstate 5 a week ago and decided to share my experience with you.
Bloom Lake has been a hotspot for my family the last twenty years or so. My Grandfather used to tell me stories from his days of logging in the area, tales of large creatures, he called them Hide-Behinds, peeking from around trees at them and kidnapping Forestry workers during the 1960s and 1970s.
I'm one of the few outdoorsmen in my family now. I have spent a lot of time in this area since I was about 18 years old, hoping to have my own encounter, just like my Grandpa did. I was suicidal as a young adult and hoped that one of these creatures would come take and kill me while I was alone.
I'm happy to say that I am no longer suicidal, I have a love for life, and part of that is due to the vocalizations I have heard in the area, very similar to the Sierra Sounds recorded by Ron Morehead.
Almost every interaction I have had has been near where the snow level ends and the green grass appears. Usually I'm in the area from January through May. I'm a person who enjoys snow camping. Less people and more animals, and easier to track the animals that are in the area.
I hope this helps your team in your search. I follow you on Instagram. I'm looking forward to seeing your adventures into this part of the Oregon Coast Range.